
Do you always get tempted to open that non working device at home?If you get amazed by switching on the light or wonder about the buildings and bridges while walking on the roads or get inspired by moving cars, metros, aeroplanes then engineering course will interest you. 

Engineering overseas is a vast course that offers varied specializations- Electronics Engineering, electrical engineering, civil or construction engineering, telecommunication engineering or engineering in aerospace or aviation, automobile, chemical, software and the list goes on. At Master level, the student can specialize in other diverse fields such as embedded system design, microelectronics, nanotechnology, systems engineering, process control, renewal energy, oil and gas, engineering dynamics, advanced manufacturing, project management. The faculty of Engineering at an International university aims at innovating and planning, designing or constructing, managing and maintaining, rehabilitating all aspects of facilities, infrastructure, smart gadgets, devices and games for improving the quality of life and standard of our living. With the changing scenario of technological advancements and social developments all around the globe, perusing an Engineering course from abroad makes it more relevant as its learning approach is oriented towards achieving high level of technical and professional approach in a state­of­ the­ art experimental or computational research facilities and under the close supervision of professionals,industrialists. It not only incorporates work related engineering project or internship and is very much industry oriented as what is applicable in the industry is what you learns in the class and it enhance research, leadership, communication, teamwork and project management skills.

Any kind of Engineering degree you choose to study, you will emerge as an Engineer of global standard with a number of transferable skills that can be applied in variety of industries. So the end result is that you not only become an Engineer but an Engineer who identify, formulate and solve engineering problems continuously to contribute towards society.


IT,Computer Science

Do you prefer playing digital games than playing outdoors? Do you prefer spending time with computers than watching tv?Then IT or Computer Science Program is what you can study from overseas Universities. 

Computer science is the most rapidly growing field of 21st century. The field of computer science deals with the scientific study of computation and information, the designing and application of computing systems. It covers both hardware and software aspect of computing and express a wide variety of practical techniques supported by a strong foundation of theoretical understanding. Its about extracting, processing the many kinds of data and making it in a more usable and simpler form.If Computer Science is about programming, alogrithms or designing webpages then it also lay emphasis on underlying principles and theories of computing in robotics, virtual reality and gaming, artificial intelligence, bioinformatics, healthcare and cloud computing too. Today we cannot think of living without a computer and its usage in almost all occupations and therefore industries are seeking professionals with skills in all areas of ICT. Studying from universities abroad provide an important perspective for the development, researches and advancements in all areas of computing that scale beyond the domestic market.This course will surely give you a global tag up your sleeves!